Ref No363-G/2/10/15/18
TitleAssignment of a mortgage for property in Westgate and further mortgage
DescriptionAssignment of mortgage dated 7 Apr 1820
(1) William Yates of Masbrough and George Hurst of Rotherham, the executors of the will of William Wildsmith, surgeon and apothecary, deceased.
(2) John Binks and Francis Smith of Rotherham, plumbers and glaziers
(3) John Glossop of Harthill, maltster

(1) loaned to (2) £600 on 28 May 1812 secured upon two messuages at the east end of Westgate that used to be one messuage, formerly in the possession of James Wilkinson. The mortgage was defaulted upon, (3) has paid off (1) and is now the mortgage lender.
Consideration: £600 plus interest to be repaid over 500 years

[on the reverse]
Further mortgage dated 9 Jul 1823
(1) John Glossop of Harthill, maltster
(2) John Binks of Rotherham, plumber and glazier

(1) loaned to (2) a further sum of £550, £250 of which was advanced, secured on the land described above and on the site of another messuage on the east side of Westgate which was formerly occupied by James Cundell and then William Kitson but had lately been pulled down and a gateway erected in its place. (Francis Smith died 18 Aug 1822, his heirs are his brothers John and Robert Smith of Doncaster.)
Consideration: £550 plus interest to be repaid over 500 years
Date7 Apr 1820&9 Jul 1823
Extent1 item
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