Ref No213-C/19/7
TitleLease and release
Description1) Thomas Wood of South Kirkby (Yks.), grocer and Francis Clayton of Maltby, mason (devisees in trust under the will of William Wasteneys decd.).
2) James Woodhead of Rotherham, starch mfr.
3) Charles Savile of Rotherham, liquor merch. (husband of Frances Wasteneys, da. of William).
4) Richard Woodhead of Rotherham, starch mfr. (husband of Elizabeth Wasteneys, da. of William).
5) William Woodhead of Rotherham, starch mfr. (trustee for 4).
6) Francis Parker of Aughton, gent. (trustee for 4).
- reciting the will of William Wasteneys.
- in consideration of £950 paid to 1 by 4.
= of closes known as Great Close, Little Close and New Close (2 roods 18 perches), bounded west by cottages lately erected on Westgate Green, with barn and stable thereon (bounds recited) and a close called Swine Moor Close (3 acres 1 rood 32 perches).
- with schedule of deeds 1794-1821.
Date15/16 May 1821
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