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Collapse 578-K - The York and Lancaster Regiment578-K - The York and Lancaster Regiment
Collapse 1 - The Regiment1 - The Regiment
Expand 1 - History of the Regiment1 - History of the Regiment
Expand 2 - Nominal Records2 - Nominal Records
Expand 3 - Regimental Headquarters, Depot and Museum3 - Regimental Headquarters, Depot and Museum
Expand 4 - Recruitment, Enlistments and Discharges4 - Recruitment, Enlistments and Discharges
Expand 5 - Training Materials, Manuals and Pocketbooks5 - Training Materials, Manuals and Pocketbooks
Collapse 6 - Maps6 - Maps
Collapse 1 - Regional maps1 - Regional maps
1 - The World on Mercator's Projection
2 - Weltkarte/World Map
3 - Tit-bits Atlas of the World showing principal broadcasting stations and flying routes
4 - Essex, England and Wales sheet 30
5 - Derbyshire, England and Wales sheet 46
6 - War Department Lands on Salisbury Plain
7 - Thaon, France sheet 37/16NE
8 - Creully, France sheet 7E/5
9 - Cheux and Fontenay-le-Pesnel, France sheet 37/16SE
10 - Caen, France sheet 7F/1
11 - Caen to Falaise, France sheet 7F
12 - Troarn, France sheet 7F/2
13 - Troarn and Argences, France sheet 40/16SE
14 - Saint Pierre-sur-Dives, France sheet 7F/4
15 - Le Havre, France sheet 7E/4 and 8E/3
16 - Le Havre and Pont-Audemer, France sheet 8E
17 - Fecamp, France sheet 8E/1
18 - Neufchatel and Rouen, France sheet 9E
19 - Abbeville and Dieppe, France sheet 9D
20 - Le Havre, Dieppe and Amiens, France sheet 3
21 - Amiens to Foret des Ardennes, NW Europe sheet 4
22 - Amiens to Foret des Ardennes, NW Europe sheet 4
23 - Amiens to Foret des Ardennes, NW Europe map 4, sheet 4
24 - Amiens, Belgium and NE France sheet 14
25 - Albert, Bray-sur-Somme and Peronne, France combined sheets 57dSE, 57cSW, 62dNE, 62cNW
26 - Area to north of Albert, France sheet 57D
27 - Foret de Mormal and Avesnes, part of France sheet 57A
28 - Frevent to Dainville, France sheet 51C
29 - Saint Pol, Arras and Bethune, France sheet 7
30 - Valenciennes, Belgium sheet 12
31 - Valenciennes, Belgium sheet 12
32 - Lens to Douai, France sheet 36C
33 - Lens, France sheet 11
34 - Lens, France sheet 11
35 - Lens, Belgium and NE France sheet 10
36 - Auchel and Bethune, France B series sheet 36B
37 - Neuve Chapelle and Fournes, France B series sheet 36SW
38 - Lille, France sheet 8
39 - Haubordin and Armentieres, Belgium and France sheet 36
40 - Hazebrouck, Belgium sheet 5A
41 - Hazebrouck, Belgium and NE France sheet 6
42 - Saint Omer, France sheet 4
43 - NW Europe sheet 1
44 - Dunkirk to Ostend, Belgium sheet 1A
45 - Ostend, Belgium sheet 1
46 - Ypres and Menin, Belgium and France B series sheet 28
47 - Courtrai, Belgium and France sheet 29
48 - Tournai, Belgium sheet 5
49 - Tournai, Belgium and France sheet 37
50 - Tournai, Belgium and NE France sheet 7
51 - Ghent and Bruges, Belgium and NE France sheet 2
52 - Antwerp, Belgium and NE France sheet 3
53 - Bocholt, Belgium, Central Europe series sheet P1
54 - Maeseyck, Belgium and France sheet 4
55 - Nederwlert, eastern half of Holland sheet 27SW
56 - Nispen, Holland sheet 16SW
57 - Weelde, Holland sheet 25NW
58 - Roosendaal, Holland sheet 16NW
59 - Steenbergen, Holland sheet 15NE
60 - Zevenbergen, Holland sheet 9SW
61 - 's-Hertogenbosch, Holland sheet 5
62 - Alphen, Holland sheet
63 - Nijmegen (East), Holland sheet 6SW
64 - Photocopy of Arnhem (East), Holland sheet 6NW/3
65 - Rotterdam, Holland sheet 4
66 - Utrecht, Holland sheet 2
67 - Area surrounding the Brenta and Piave rivers, Italy
68 - Gaeta, Italy M 691 series
69 - Dzumaja, Bulgaria
70 - Petric, Bulgaria
71 - Uskub, Serbia [now Skopje, Republic of Macedonia]
72 - Monastir, Serbia [now Bitola, Republic of Macedonia]
73 - Nigrita, Central Balkan Peninsula
74 - Orljak, Central Balkan Peninsula
75 - Dragos, Central Balkan Peninsula
76 - Turica, Central Balkan Peninsula
77 - Bursuk, Central Balkan Peninsula
78 - Bashanli, Central Balkan Peninsula
79 - Rajanovo, Central Balkan Peninsula
80 - Snevce, Central Balkan Peninsula
81 - Todorovo, Central Balkan Peninsula
82 - Vodena (west of Lake Doiran), Central Balkan Peninsula
83 - Mirova, Central Balkan Peninsula
84 - Lahana [now Lachanas, Macedonia region of Greece]
85 - Kavala, Greece
86 - Gulf of Orfano, Greece sheet 5
87 - Salonika, Greece, provisional map
88 - Salonika, Greece sheet 2
89 - Xanthi, Greece
90 - Helles and the Narrrows, map 2, Gallipoli sheet 1
91 - Suvla and Anzac, map 3, Gallipoli sheet 2
92 - Orographical Map of the Dardanelles, sheet 1
93 - Lower Mesopotamia
94 - Sultan's Battery 7 (west of Bangalore), part of India sheet 58A/NW
95 - Bombay, India, International Map of the World series NE-43
96 - Madras, India sheet 58A/11
97 - Madras, India sheets 58B/SE and 58B/NE
98 - Madras and Mysore, India sheet 58A/6
99 - Bihar, India sheet 73E
100 - Mysore, India, International Map of the World series ND-43
101 - Road Map of India
102 - A new coloured pictorial Atlas of India, schools' edition
103 - Composite map of Myebon and area to the north, Burma
104 - Myebon (East), Burma
105 - Ru-Ywa, Burma HIND 601 sheet 85E/13/3
106 - Myohaung, Burma sheet 84H/2
107 - Setkhaw River and Dalet Chaung, Burma sheet 85E/13
108 - Min Chaung (South), Burma
109 - Myitkyina district, Burma sheet 97C/7
110 - Myitkyina district, Burma sheet 92C/16
111 - Myitkyina and Upper Chindwin districts, Burma sheet 92D/1
112 - Maungdaw to Akyab, Burma
113 - Nefza, Tunisia sheet 10
114 - Sidi Barrani, Egypt and Cyrenaica sheet 5
115 - Tobruk to Salum, Egypt and Cyrenaica sheet 5
116 - Tobruk, Libya
117 - Wakkerstroom, South Africa sheet 42
118 - Bacon's No. 5 large scale map of the Transvaal, Orange Free State and Natal, South Africa, with extension south to Port Elizabeth
119 - Aire and Saint Venant, France sheet 36A
120 - Escape map of Western Europe, European 1943 series, sheets 43/C and 43/D
121 - Escape map of Greece, Bulgaria and Romania, Bartholemew series 9.S and 9.T
122 - Escape map of India and Burma, Southeast Asia 1944 series, sheets 44/A and 44/B
123 - Escape map of Burma, Survey of India series HIND 1054
124 - Escape map of North Africa, Portugal and Spain, Bartholemew series K3 and H2
125 - Colour slides of maps of the Arakan region, Burma
Expand 2 - Trench maps and defence overprints2 - Trench maps and defence overprints
Expand 3 - Commemorative, facsimile and sketch maps 3 - Commemorative, facsimile and sketch maps
Expand 7 - Ceremonial Events and Commemorations7 - Ceremonial Events and Commemorations
Expand 8 - Bands and Music8 - Bands and Music
Expand 9 - Recreational Activities9 - Recreational Activities
Expand 10 - The Tiger and Rose Regimental Journal10 - The Tiger and Rose Regimental Journal
Expand 11 - Ephemera and Scrapbooks11 - Ephemera and Scrapbooks
Expand 12 - Photographic Material12 - Photographic Material
Expand 2 - 1st Battalion, former 65th Regiment of Foot2 - 1st Battalion, former 65th Regiment of Foot
Expand 3 - 2nd Battalion, former 84th Regiment of Foot3 - 2nd Battalion, former 84th Regiment of Foot
Expand 4 - 3rd Battalion4 - 3rd Battalion
Expand 5 - Hallamshire Battalion5 - Hallamshire Battalion
Expand 6 - 5th Battalion, later the 467 (York & Lancaster) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment Royal Artillery (T.A.)6 - 5th Battalion, later the 467 (York & Lancaster) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment Royal Artillery (T.A.)
Expand 7 - Service Battalions and Home Defence Units7 - Service Battalions and Home Defence Units
Expand 8 - Records of Individuals8 - Records of Individuals
Expand 9 - The Regimental Association9 - The Regimental Association
Expand 10 - General War-related Material and Ex-Servicemen's Groups10 - General War-related Material and Ex-Servicemen's Groups
Expand 11 - Military-themed and War-related Publications11 - Military-themed and War-related Publications
Expand 12 - Books of the Regimental Library12 - Books of the Regimental Library
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