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Collapse 578-K - The York and Lancaster Regiment578-K - The York and Lancaster Regiment
Expand 1 - The Regiment1 - The Regiment
Expand 2 - 1st Battalion, former 65th Regiment of Foot2 - 1st Battalion, former 65th Regiment of Foot
Expand 3 - 2nd Battalion, former 84th Regiment of Foot3 - 2nd Battalion, former 84th Regiment of Foot
Expand 4 - 3rd Battalion4 - 3rd Battalion
Expand 5 - Hallamshire Battalion5 - Hallamshire Battalion
Expand 6 - 5th Battalion, later the 467 (York & Lancaster) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment Royal Artillery (T.A.)6 - 5th Battalion, later the 467 (York & Lancaster) Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment Royal Artillery (T.A.)
Collapse 7 - Service Battalions and Home Defence Units7 - Service Battalions and Home Defence Units
Collapse 1 - 6th Battalion1 - 6th Battalion
Expand 1 - Battalion Histories1 - Battalion Histories
Expand 2 - Nominal Records2 - Nominal Records
Collapse 3 - Administrative Records3 - Administrative Records
1 - Copy letter from Lt. Col. Robins, Commanding Hallamshire Battalion, to Maj. Wales
2 - Copy letter from C.E. Wales to Brig. Phillips, Commanding 146th infantry Brigade
3 - Letter from Brig. C.G. Phillips to C. O. of second T.A. battalion recommending the appointment of Maj. Wales
4 - Letter from Maj. Gen. Barker, Col. in Chief, to Maj. Wales asking him to take the job for three years
5 - Letter from C.E. Wales to Maj. Gen. Barker confirming that he will command the new unit [6th Battalion]
6 - Letter from Mr and Mrs Leaper, parents of Frank Leaper, to Lt. Col. Wales
7 - Two reports of Lt. Col. Wales having done good work but now being too old for duty
8 - Notice of handover of command sent to H.Q. 138th Infantry Brigade
9 - Open letter from Wales expressing his thanks and saying goodbye to the Battalion
10 - Copy letter from Brig. E.J. Grinling, Commanding 138th Infantry Brigade, to Lt. Col. Wales
11 - Letter from Director of Auxiliary Military Pioneer Services to Lt. Col. Wales offering him a job interview
12 - Letter from L. Cpl. B.E. Cotton to Lt. Col. Wales regarding last sighting of L. Cpl. C.J. Watson, 4747655, H.Q. Company
13 - Letter from Maj. N.K. Stevens, 1st Bucks Battalion, O.B.L.I., to the Adjutant 6th Battalion
14 - Letter from Cpl. C.H. Hallam [Wales' former driver] to Col. Wales explaining how he was wounded
15 - Letter from John Metcalfe at Northern Command Cavalry Barracks to Col. Wales
16 - Letter from John Metcalfe at Staff College Camberley to Col. Wales inviting him to visit his parents' home
17 - Memo regarding Lt. Col. Wales becoming Honorary Colonel of the 6th Battalion
18 - Letter from Michael Barker to Wales explaining that he had applied for Wales to be appointed Honorary Colonel
19 - Letter from Lt. Col. Wales to Lt.-Gen. M.G.H. Barker accepting the appointment of Honorary Colonel
20 - Letter from Lt. Col. Wales to Lt. Col. A.A. Richardson, 6th Battalion, regarding his appointment as Honorary Colonel
21 - Letter from Col. Wales to Commander St. John Cronyn thanking him for help given at Dunkirk by his ship H.M.S. Niger
22 - Letter from Lt. Col. D.A. Kendrew to Col. Wales telling him that Bob Elmhirst is coming home for six weeks
23 - Memo from War Office to Col. Wales confirming the date his appointment to Honorary Colonel began
24 - Letter from Col. Wales to War Office acknowledging their confirmation of date of his appointment
25 - Letter from G. Robins, commanding Hallamshire Battalion, to Col. Wales regarding bill for office furniture
26 - Letter from Alec Richard[...] to Col. Wales offering to put him in touch with John North, a journalist and author
27 - Two letters from Lt. Col. Sam Key to Col. Wales with narrative account, sketch and additional information
28 - Letter from [Hubert J. Wood] to Col. Wales reminiscing and hoping to meet up in Leeds
29 - Copy letter from Lt. Eric Garland to Col. Wales regarding the raid on Bardia from the sea
30 - Letter from Winton at H.Q.,128 Infantry Brigade, to Col. Wales giving his recollection of the action at Bois Du Moyen
31 - Letter from Michael [Halford] at H.Q., 202 Infantry Brigade, to Col. Wales regarding position of buildings near Bois du Moyen
32 - Letter from Lt. C.H. Midson, Royal Engineers, to Col. Wales describing action at Aire-le-Bassee canal
33 - Letter from Maj. L.C. Crick to Col. Wales with narrative of events 24 May 1940-31 May 1940
34 - Letter from [Leslie Curtis] to Col. Wales with further details of events from 24 May 1940 onwards
35 - Letter from Bruce [Danton] to Col. Wales regarding Foret de Nieppe
36 - Copy letter from Lt. J.A. Withers, 2nd Battalion York and Lancaster, to Capt. A.S. Nelson, 6th Battalion
37 - Letter from Lt. Col. Edward Cookson, Royal Engineers, to Col. Wales explaining his movements
38 - Letter from Adj. R. Sedgwick, Royal Berkshire Regiment, to Col. Wales notifying him of Lt. Shaw's address
39 - Letter from R.Q.M.S. C. Charlton to Wales saying goodbye as he leaves for the Middle East
40 - Letter from John [Pleslow], Grenadier Guards, to Col. Wales explaining the position of units from the 1st Guards Brigade
41 - Copy letter from Maj. R. Elmhirst, 6th Battalion, to Col. Wales updating him on personnel changes
42 - Photocopy of copy letter from Brig. O.M. Wales to Col. Wales regarding construction of artificial harbour at Arromanches
43 - Letter from Lt. Col. J.H. Cubbon, 6th Battalion, to Col. Wales describing the changeover to peace conditions
44 - Covering note from Kenneth Pelly sent to Col. Wales with Desmond's account of being a Prisoner of War in Germany
45 - Covering note and two sketches showing place of burial of Capt. Denis Middleton, Royal Engineers
Expand 4 - Operational Records4 - Operational Records
Expand 5 - Narrative Accounts5 - Narrative Accounts
Expand 6 - Publications6 - Publications
Expand 7 - Printed Material and Ephemera7 - Printed Material and Ephemera
Expand 8 - Photographic Material8 - Photographic Material
Expand 2 - 7th Battalion2 - 7th Battalion
Expand 3 - 8th Battalion3 - 8th Battalion
Expand 4 - 9th Battalion4 - 9th Battalion
Expand 5 - 10th Battalion5 - 10th Battalion
Expand 6 - 11th Battalion6 - 11th Battalion
Expand 7 - 12th Battalion7 - 12th Battalion
Expand 8 - 13th Battalion8 - 13th Battalion
Expand 9 - 14th Battalion9 - 14th Battalion
Expand 10 - 18th Battalion10 - 18th Battalion
Expand 11 - 2nd [Civilian] Volunteer Battalion11 - 2nd [Civilian] Volunteer Battalion
Expand 12 - Home Guard12 - Home Guard
Expand 8 - Records of Individuals8 - Records of Individuals
Expand 9 - The Regimental Association9 - The Regimental Association
Expand 10 - General War-related Material and Ex-Servicemen's Groups10 - General War-related Material and Ex-Servicemen's Groups
Expand 11 - Military-themed and War-related Publications11 - Military-themed and War-related Publications
Expand 12 - Books of the Regimental Library12 - Books of the Regimental Library
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