Ref NoLS/6/1/144
TitleRotherham Metropolitan Borough Council press cuttings: volume 2
DescriptionBillington, Keith
To challenge for Leadership of Council R.A. 16th April 1993
Star 19th April 1993
Withdraws from leadership challenge R.A. 7th May 1993

Expected shortfall of £24million R.A. 7th Jan.1994
Expenditure is expected to reach capping limit R.A. 9th Sept. 1994

Civic newspaper
Councillors discuss cost of setting up newspaper Star 15th Nov. 1991
Performance Review Committee reject idea R.R. 20th Nov. 1991

Cleaning Staff
Initial Contract Services win cleaning contract R.A. 28th April 1989
Cleaning manager, Mandy Ramsey suspended
for alleged irregularities R.A. 9th Sept. 1994

Council meetings
Article on length of meetings Star 10th Sept. 1992

Councillors Allowances
List of allowances and expenses R.A. 12th July 1991
Councillors to be paid fixed lump sum R.A. 25th June 1993
Summary of members expenses R.A. 25th June 1993

European Community
Councillors to discuss permanent base for
Local authorities in Brussels R.A. 25th October 1991

Health and Safety
List may be compiled of people who pose a
threat to council staff R.A. 10th July 1992
Council may introduce no-smoking policy Star February 1993
Council to provide extra security for district offices Star 20th August1993
Women working late nights are vulnerable to attack Star 8th October 1993
Star 14th October 1993
Parking spaces made available near library for women
working late nights Star 18th October 1993

No Smoking policy to be introduced R.A. 14th January 1994
Members Room, Elliott House is exempt from no smoking
rule R.A. 23rd Sept. 1994
Security guards may be employed to protect office staff Star 20 July 1994

Muntus Store
Council start bankruptcy proceedings against management Star 17th July 1992

Name Badges
Staff are opposed to the wearing of badges R.A. 21st June 1991
Personnel officers asked to check the number
of staff wearing badges R.A. 19th July 1991
Unions believe badges put staff at risk Star 23rd April 1991

Poverty Action
Salary for Chief Officer will be £37,000 Star 1st July 1992
Conservative Councillors oppose Salary R.A. 4th July 1992
Labour group defend decision to appoint
Poverty-Action officer R A. 10th July 1992
Rose Wheeler appointed to post R.A. 22nd August 1992
Framework for anti-poverty strategy R.A. 20th Nov. 1992
Statement by Poverty-Action officer Star 7th July 199
Official launch of anti-poverty strategy R.A. 23rd July 1993
Meeting of sub-committee R.A. 30th July 1993
Councillor Irene Furnell's husband is appointed Benefits
Strategy Officer R.A. 29th October 1993
Sub-committee decide to appoint a second Benefits officer R.A. 5th Nov.1993
Credit Union to be set up R.A. 9th Dec. 1994
Rose Wheeler wins prestigious Local Government Award R.A.16th Dec.1994

Racial Discrimination
Job applicant Zenib Rasool accuses council of
racial discrimination R.A.14th June 1991
Zenib Rasool loses claim against council R.A. 26th July 1991
Industrial tribunal warn council on failure to implement
equal opportunities policy Star 1st August 1991
Council defend record on help for ethnic Minorities Star 2nd July 1994

Re-cycling projects
Council win award for waste paper re-cycling R.A. 31st Nov.1993
£19,000 allocated for re-cycling projects R.A. 9th April 1993

Refuse Collection
Council consider using wheelie-bins R.A. 25th August 1989
Council to leaflet households about new bins R.A. 22nd Sept.1989
Bin men to boycott wheelie-bins R.A. 5th October 1989
Trade unions involved in dispute over Wheelie-bins R.A. 6th October 1989
Council consider legal action against bin men Y.P. 9th Oct.1989
Stalemate in talks between management and Unions R.A. 13th October 1989
Bin men to be balloted over use of wheelie-bins R.A. 8th Dec.1989
Bin men reject the use of wheelie-bins R.A. 15th Dec.1989
Councillors to meet with Trade unions Star 24th January 1990
Council still keen to introduce wheelie-bins Star 5th July 1990
Council department wins refuse collection contract Star 19th March 1991
R.A. 22nd March 1991
Council decide to continue use of traditional bins Star 9th January 1992
New plans for wheelie-bins will affect jobs Y.P. 9th October 1992
R A. 16th October 1992
Unions in talks with council R.A. 18th Dec. 1992
Unions agree to trial period for wheelie-bins R.A. 15th January 1993
Houses with steps have problems with new bins R.A. 29th January 1993
Questionnaire to households on use of new bins R.A. 5th February 1993
More households to have wheelie-bins R.A. 7th May 1993
Wheelie-bins to be provided throughout Borough R.A. 3 November1993
List of other areas to receive wheelie-bins R.A. 11th March 1994
Members of public will be able to apply for card at
Rotherham Show R.A. 3rd Sept. 1993
Office opening hours R.A. 1st Oct.1993
Card scheme is very successful R.A. 22nd April 1994
Celebrations to mark first anniversary R.A. 29th July 1994

A-Z of council services produced R A. 24th July 1992
Council to review provision of services R.A. 2nd April 1993
Work begins on review of services R.A. 30th April 1993
Council buildings are not fully accessible R.A. 9th Dec. 1994

Sex Discrimination
Women working in residential homes to take action over R.A. 16th April 1993
conditions and pay
Hazel Pedelty makes claim of sexual harassment against
former colleague Star 1st July 1993
Union official criticises council policy on sexual harassment R.A 2nd July 1993
Hazel Pedelty says she was victimised by her employers R.A. 8th October 1993
Hazel Pedelty wins damages of £13,000 R.A. 4th February 1994

Unions impose conditions on redundancy scheme R.A. 18th January 1991
Councillors pledge to retain jobs Star 6th January 1992
124 posts shed since last year R.A. 15th May 1992
Letters to all employees about possible job losses R.A. 15th January 1993
No-redundancy policy threatened by cash crisis R.A. 16th April 1993
155 posts shed since last year R.A. 19th August 1994

Councillors to be offered training in public relations Star 12th August 1991

Young person of the Year Award
Won by David Simper R.A. 23rd April 1993
NotesContains newscuttings dated between 1989 and 1994
Pub PlaceRotherham
Pub Date2006
Extent102 pp
Binding NoteHardback
Access StatusOpen
TermBorough councils
Metropolitan areas
Local authorities
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