Ref No213-C/71/10
TitleMortgage in fee
Description1) Mark Yeardley of Smith Carr, p. Ecclesfield, farmer and Jemima his wife (da. and co-heiress of Thomas Walker of Bradgate decd.).
2) Phoebe Utley of Bradgate, p. Rotherham, widow (da. of Thomas Walker).
3) Thomas Law of Rotherham, linen draper.
4) William Fretwell Hoyle of Rotherham, gent.
- reciting the will of Thomas Walker.
- for £150 owed by 1 acre to 4.
= of 2 cottages at Bradgate and of 3 messuage in Westgate, lately two and formerly one known as the `Royal Oak' (bounds recited), subject to prior mortgage.
Date8/9 August 1833
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